Study Project

Master Thesis

Not successful enough, not happy enough, not good enough and not perfect enough? According to studies, the young Generation Z in particular seems to be more dissatisfied than ever. But why are so many of us feeling a deadly addiction to perfection in today's „land of milk and honey“?

The Mental Health Game SUPER ME helps dissatisfied and mentally ill young girls to accept themselves, to find their own way and to become self-effective.

The world of SUPER ME is full of unexpected solutions and focuses on the character strengths of the girls.

A smartphone lies on the floor. The screen lights up and shows the different levels of the digital health game Super Me.
The preview of the game Super Me can be seen in the App Store. In addition to sample screens, information can also be seen.

Discover the SUPER ME World and yourself!

A smartphone is held in one hand. It shows an advertisement on a social media platform. It shows a colorful screen and an exciting headline.
On the floor is a poster of the campaign for the game Super Me. It is colorful and contains a headline as well as important information.
Several posters can be seen on one wall. Bicycles can be seen in front of them and a lively environment can be guessed. The posters are colorful and come from the Super Me campaign.
A laptop is standing on a stone floor. A sticker can be seen on the right-hand surface next to the touch pad. It shows a statement and stands out.
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